E.: high qualitya more social pretend play, more positive affect, less CG 1 rated difficult

E.: high qualitya more social pretend play, more positive affect, less CG 1 rated difficult

4 yrs: Children, low SES 7 , in good quality care a less aggressive, no effect on higher SES 7 .(2) aggressiveness of easy children positively affect by high quality DC 6 . Difficult children no decrease in aggressiveness in high quality setting (3) for boys, good qual care associated w/ less internalizing/ social withdrawal problems more ego strength/effectance

  1. better acad skills for boys only
  2. better social skills both girls boys
  3. fewer behavior problems both girls boys

M.E.: High qualitya more compliant at care, more self-regulation in lab. Longit (Preschool): M. Longit (Kindergarten): high qualitya less CG 1 rating of hostility

Process Qual (Long), age partialled out: Preschool: CG 1 involvement/investmenta observed social play, social pretend play, positive affect, less CG 1 rate difficult hesitant. Kindergarten: CG 1 involvementa less parent ratings of internalizing externalizing; less CG 1 rate of distract, hostile, higher rate verbal IQ, consideration.

Quantity, type Maternal PPVT-R, child gender, HOME maternal stimulation Bayley MDI , Bracken School Readiness, Macarthur CDI; Reynell Dev Lang Positive caregiving language stimulation significantly related to cognitive language outcomes at 24 36 mos

HMR: 1) selection variables, 2) child gender, 3) family envir, 4) quantity type of care, 5) positive caregiving (PC), 6) frequency of language stimulation (LS) – see summary sheet

ECERS, CIS, UCLA ECOF, AIS, PPS, IEOS, STRS CG 1 education, CG 1 exper 4 , gender, ethnicity, beliefs Maternal education, child gender, child ethnicity PPVT-R, WJ-R (letter-word, math), CBI, ASB –Children who attended CC 5 w/ higher quality classroom practices had better language math skills from the preschool years into elementary school.Continue reading